以"Y"开头查询到 13 条西文期刊记录。
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1. year book of medicine / year book series.
2. Year book of infertility / Mosby.
3. Year book of infertility and reproductive endocrinology / Mosby.
4. Year book of obstetrics and gynecology / Mosby.
5. Year book of anesthesia / Year book Medical Publishers.
6. year book of drug therapy / Year book medical publishers,Inc.
7. year book of diagnostic radiology / Year book medical publishers,Inc.
8. year book of nuclear medicine / Year book medical publishers,Inc.
9. Year book of ophthalmology / Year book medical publishers.
10. Year book of otolaryngology-head and neck surgery / Year book medical publishers,Inc.
11. year book dermatology / year book medical publishers,inc.
12. Year book of cancer / Year book medical publishers.
13. Year book of thoracic and cardiovascular surgery / Mosby.