以"P"开头查询到 33 条西文期刊记录。
刊名 ISSN 出版社 出版年
1. progress in experimental tumor research /
2. Probability theory and related fields.
3. Pragmatics.
4. Primary care / W.B.SAUNDERS COMPANY.
5. public health / serving society protecting health.
6. Patient care / ABP.
7. Pediatric research / Williams & Wilkins.
8. Physicians'desk reference / Medical Economics.
9. Pathology / American Medical Association.
10. Psychoxomatics / SK&F CD.
11. Patient care / dominic barone publisher.
12. Postgraduate medicine / a mcgraw-hill publication.
13. Plastic & reconstructive surgery / The williams & wilkins company.
14. Postgaduate medicine.
15. Practical cardiology / Ayerst.
16. Preventive medicine.: An international journal devoted to practice and tyheory. Academic press,Inc.
17. pediatrics / american academy of pediatrics,inc.
18. practice of pediatrics / harper and publishers.
19. Parasitology international / Keio university school of medicine.
20. phychiatry and applied mental heath / year book medical publishers,inc.
21. Perspectives in psychiatric care / Nursing publications.
22. Progress in cardiovascular diseases / Grune & Stratton,Inc.
23. Postgraduate rediology /: a journal of continuing education. PSG CME credits in this issue.
24. psychology and aging / the american psychology association,inc.
25. Physical therapy / the American physical therapy association.
26. Proceedings of the society for experimental biology and medicine / Williams & Wilkins.
27. Proceedings of the national academy of sciences of the United States of America/ the national academy of sciences of the American.
28. Public health reports / Fresno com. hospital.
29. Pediatric infectious. Abbott Laboratories.
30. Proceedings of the American Society of Clinical Oncology / American Society of Clinical Oncology.
31. pediatrics update reviews for physicians / elsevier north nolland,inc.
32. psychosomatic medicine /
33. Proceedings of the American for Cancer Research. American Association for Cancer Research.