以"H"开头查询到 15 条西文期刊记录。
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1. hospitals / the owen company.
2. Hepatic,biliary & pancreatic / Year book medical publishers.
3. Hospital practice / HP published company.
4. Host-parasite relationships / New Yird oybkusged by the academy.
5. Hospital literature index / American hospital association.
6. Heart and lung / C.V.Mosby Company.
7. Hemodynamics of the juvenile knee / munksgaard company.
8. hospital and health services administration /
9. Hospital pharmacy / Steven K.Herlitz,Inc.
10. hospital medicine / by hospital publications,inc.
11. Hospital physician / P.W.communications,Inc.
12. Hospital progress / Hilllyard chenical company.
13. Health physics / Pergamon press.
14. Hematology oncology clinics of north america / harcourt brace jovanovich.
15. Human genetic information.: science,law and ethics. john wiley &sons.