以"M"开头查询到 27 条西文期刊记录。
刊名 ISSN 出版社 出版年
1. Molecular plant /
2. Molecular Cancer Research / American Association for Cancer Research.
3. Materials Research Bulletin / Tayllor Road ,Piscataway.
4. Medical Subject Headings / National Library of Medicine.
5. molecular immunology / peegamon.
6. Mayo clinic proceedings / Rochester,Minnesota.
7. Molecular and cellular biology / the american society for microbiology.
8. Modern healthcare / crain communications inc.
9. medical world news / HEIpublishing,inc.
10. Medical care / Donald C.Riedel.
11. Medical economics /: Managed care 1996. Wyeth-ayerst laboratories.
12. Microbiology and immunology. Becton dickinson overseas Inc.
13. Metabolism /: Clinical and experimental. Grune & stratton.
14. Mineral and electrolyte metabolism. S.Karger.Basel.Munche.Paris.
15. medical magazine / the WM.s.merrell company.
16. Medicine /: Analytical reviews of internal medivine,dermatology,neurology,pediatrics and psychiatry. Williams & wilkins.
17. Muscular dystrophy abstracts / Muscular Dystrophy Associations of America.
18. Modern concepts of cardiovascular disease / American Heart Association.
19. Molecular endocrinology / the endocrine society.
20. Malignant lymphomas / William Clowes limited.
21. Medicine,science and the law / British academy of forensic sciences and contributors.
22. Modern trends in urology / Butterworths.
23. Molecular pharmacology / American academic press,Inc.
24. medical and pediatric oncology / alan.liss,inc.
25. medical instrumentation / the association for the advancement of medical instrumentation.
26. Medical laboratory sciences / Institute of Medical Laboratory Sciences.
27. Monthly prescribing reference / Safely improves control of mild hyperglycemia.