以"S"开头查询到 27 条西文期刊记录。
刊名 ISSN 出版社 出版年
2. science / alvin w.trivelpiece.
3. scientific american / mark of excellence.
4. social casework / the fanily service association of America.
5. Surgical rounds / romaine pierson publishers,Inc.
6. Stroke /: A journal of cerebral circulation. an official journal of the American heart association.
7. surgery / The C.V.Mosby Company.
8. Southern medical journal / Southern medical association.
9. seminars in hematology.
10. Stroke / the american heart association.
11. scandinavian journal of respiratory diseases / munksgaard.
12. Seminars in dermatology / thieme-stratton inc.
13. Selected papers of the chinese society of naval architecture and marine engineering / the editorial office of shipbuilding of china shanghai.
14. survey of ophthalmolog / elsevier science inc.
15. Seminars in dermatology / harcourt brace jovanovich,inc.
16. Surgery /: Gynecology & obstetrics. official scientific journal of the American collge of surgeons.
17. Stomach and intestine / Igaku-Shoin Ltd.
18. Scandinavian journal gastroenterology / Universitetsforlaget.
19. Studies of bound phosphohistidine and its possible precursors in mitochondria and in soluble enzyme systems /
20. selected scientific papers / printed in the people's republic of china.
21. Survey of anesthesiology / The Williams & Wilkins Co.
22. Surgery gynecology & obstetrics / Committed to Therapeutic Efficiency.
23. Seminars in oncology / Grune & Stratton.
24. spine / hanley &belfus,inc.
25. Selected works of geotechnical engineering / China building indusry press.
26. Surgical Pathology of non-neoplastic lung disease / W.B.Saunders Company.
27. Speaking English