以"A"开头查询到 84 条西文期刊记录。
刊名 ISSN 出版社 出版年
1. Adult education and development / Institute for International Cooperation.
2. Abriged Index Medicus / NIH Publication.
3. American journal of respiratory cell and molecular biology / jerome s.brody.
4. American family physician / the American academy of family physicians.
5. Analytical chemistry / The analytical chemistry society.
6. American journal of roentgenology and radium therapy / williams.
7. Academy of medicine / the new york academy of medicine.
8. American journal of nursing / American nurses'association.
9. Annals of internal medicine / the american college of physicians.
10. Addictive behaviors /: An international journal. Pergamon press.
11. Annual review of biochemistry / Annual reviews INC.
12. American journal of ophthalmology / Ophthalmic Publishing.
13. Acta anatomica nipponica / Japanese Association of Anatomists.
14. Antimicrobial agentsand chemtherapy / american society for microbiology.
15. American journal of epidemiology / published by the johns hopkins university school of hygiene and public health.
16. Archives of internal medicine / the American medical association.
17. Acta mathematica scientia / Elsevier.
18. American review of respiratory disease / American Lung Association.
19. Archives of dermatology / American Medical Association.
20. American journal of orthopsychiatry / by the American orthopsychiatry association ,INC.
21. annals the new york academy of sciences / published by the new york academy of sciences.
22. American college of surgeons / 55 east erie street.
23. Applied radiology / a romaine pierson publication.
24. Advances in internal medicine / Yearbook Medical Publishers.
25. American journal of medical sciences / by charles B.slack inc.
26. annual review of medicine / annual reviews inc.
27. American heart journal / Printed in the United States of America.
28. A guide to physical examination and history taking / J.B.Lippincott Company.
29. Aorn journal / Association of Operating Room Nurses.
30. Annals of emergency medicine / the American college of emergency physicians.
31. American phamacy / American pharmaceutical association.
32. Archives of family medicine / archives CME program.
33. Annais of neurology / borwn copmany.
34. ALA bulletin / single copies of news issues.
35. american documentation / interscience publishers,inc.
36. American journal of roentgenology / Williams & Wilkins.
37. annals of neurology / little,brown and company.
38. Archives of disease in childhood / should be addressed.
39. american journal of physiology / the american physiology society.
40. american journal of clinical nutrition / cial journal of the american society for clinical nutrition,inc.
41. American journal of diseases of children / allergan pharmaceuticals,inc.
42. advances in cancer research / academic press,inc.
43. Acta radiologica diagnosis / FRESNO COM. HOSPITAL.
44. Acta Biochimica et Biophysica Sinica / Blackwell Publishing Asia Pty Ltd.
45. Acta Genetica Sinica / Science Press.
46. ACM Tansactions on Database Systems /
47. Anesthesia and analgesia / International Anesthesia Research Society.
48. American journal of hospital pharmacy / American society of hospital pharmacy.
49. Annals of surgery / Academy of wurgery New York surgical society.
50. Abdominal surgery / Warner-Lambert company.
51. Archives of surgery / American Medical Association.
52. Anesthesia / Churchill Livingstone.
53. Anesthesiology / Philadelphia.
54. acta medica scandinavica /
55. Analytical profiles of drug substances / Academic press.
56. Archeves of ophthalmology / the American medical association.
57. aphasia apraxia agnosia / biolinguistics clinical education center.
58. American journal of orthodontics / The C. V. mosby company.
59. American journal of surgery / Printed in the United States of America.
60. Archives of otolaryngology / American medical association.
61. Annals of otology,rhinology and laryngology / Annals publishing company.
62. A comprehensive guide to purchasing.
63. archives of neurology / american mendical association publication.
64. An enzyme-linked immunosorbent assar for histone - tolles / California state university.
65. Annual review of physilogy / Annual reviews Inc.
66. Acta neurochirurgica / springer-verlag.
67. american journal of obstetrics and gynecology / the C.V.Mosby company.
68. Arthritis and rheumatism / Arthritis & Rheumatism.
69. A cancer journal for clinicians / American Cancer Society.
70. Advances in lmmunology / Academic Press.
71. American journal of clinical pathology / the society by J.B/Lippincott co.
72. advances in pediatrics / year book medical publishers,inc.
73. Activities adaptation and aging / the haworth press,inc.
74. american institute of mining and metallurgical engineers / the maple press company.
75. Annals of the rheumatic diseases / British medical association.
76. American journal of infection control / Association for Practitioners in infection control.
77. Archives of pathology / American Medical Association Publication.
78. Advances in metabolic disorders / Academic press.
79. Annals of the new york academy of sciences / The New York Academy of Sciences.
80. American psychologist / the american psychological association.
81. annal of the chinese society of maval architecture and marine engineering / new times publishing house.
82. Allied health and behavioral sciences / Published Quarterly.
83. Apprendre le francais /
84. Advances in mathematics /