以"O"开头查询到 13 条西文期刊记录。
刊名 ISSN 出版社 出版年
1. Operation / 大矢商会.
2. Oral surgery oral medicine & oral pathology. Mosb-Year Book.
3. Oral surgery,oral medicine & oral pathology / Mosby-Year book Inc.
4. Obstetrics and gynecology / elsevier northholland,inc.
5. orthopedics / the upjohn company.
6. Ophthalmology / The American academy of ophthalmology.
7. obstetrical practice / the williams &wilkins company.
8. Oncology nursing forum / oncology nursing press,inc.
9. Ophthalmic literature / The institute of ophthalmology.
10. Otolaryngology / the American academy of ophthlmology and otolaryngology,Inc.
11. Obstetrics and gynecology clinics of north america / W.B.saunders company.
12. obstetrics and gynecology survey / the williams and wilkins company.
13. Obstetrical and gynecological survey / the williams and wilkins company.