以"C"开头查询到 77 条西文期刊记录。
刊名 ISSN 出版社 出版年
1. Computerized tomography / pergamon.
2. College english /
3. Chinese quarterly journal of mathematics /
4. Chinese journal of library and information science /
5. Communications in mathematical research /
6. Cultural Xchange / China International Cultural Association.
7. COGNITIVE LINGuistics / All prices extra.
8. Cardiovascular prescribing guide / medical economics company,inc.
9. Cumulated Index Medicus / National Library of Medicine.
10. current contents / instiute for scientific information.
11. Clinical chemistry / the American association for clinial chemistry.
12. current contents / address directory.
13. current problems in cardiology / mosby year book.
14. cell / MIT Press,cambridge.
15. Clinical research / Copyright.
16. Computer applications in medical care / Ieee Compies.
17. contemporary surgery / bobit publishing company.
18. Clinics in endocrinology and metabolism / W.B.Saunders Compang Ltd.
19. Chest / Boehringer Lngelheim.
20. canadian family physician / by the college of family physicians of canada.
21. Cardiology board review / MRA publications,inc.
22. Current therapy / W.B.Saunders Company.
23. Clinical management. Staodynamics.
24. contemporary ob/gyn / medical economics co.imc.
25. Clinics in plastic surgery / W.B.Saunders Company.
26. Clinics in haematology / W.B.Saunders Company Ltd.
27. Campbell's operative orthopaedics / crenshaw.
28. Clinics in chest medicine / W.B.Saunders.
29. current surgical diagnosis / Lange Medical Publication.
30. Circulation research / American heart association.
31. Circulation / American Heart Association.
32. current nephrology / Houghton Miffin Professional Publishers.
33. cope's early diagnosis of the acute abdomen / Oxford university press.
34. Clinic all-round / 永井书店株氏会社.
35. Current advances in genetics & molecular biology / Pergamon press.
36. culis / claudia shayne-ferguson.
37. Clinical science / Great Britain by Whitstable Litho Ltd.
38. Current advances in immunology / Pergamon press.
39. clinical pharmacology and theraputics / The C.V. Mosby company.
40. Current problems in cancer / Mosby.
41. current problems in obstetrics and gynecology / Year book medical publishers,Inc.
42. Chinese medical journal / Chinese medical association.
43. Clinical obstetrics and gynecology / University of Utah college and medicine.
44. cardiology / Numarc Book Corporation.
45. Clinics in gastrienterology / W.B.Saunders Company Ltd.
46. Clinical immunology and immunopathology / Academic press,Inc.
47. Clinical and experimental immunology / Blackwell Scientific Publications.
48. Clincal and experimental immunology / Blackwell Scientific Publications.
49. Cancer / J.B.Lippincott Company.
50. Chinese Chemical Letters /
51. Chinese Physics Letters / Institute of Physics Publishing.
52. Chinese Optics Letters / the Science in China Press.
53. contemporary pediatrics / medical economics company,inc.
54. Current opinion in gastroenterology. Gower Academic Journals.
55. Canadian anaesthetists' society journal / Regional Board.
56. current researches in anesthesia & analgesia / Anternational Anesthesia Researrh Society.
57. Compendium of drug therapy / Biomedical information corporation.
58. Comtemporary pharmacy practice / American pharmaceutical association.
59. Continuing education for the family physician / roerig pfizer.
60. chinese literature fiction poetry art / chinese literature press.
61. california medicine /
62. Compendium of drug & patient information / Biomedical information corproation.
63. Clinical nuclear medicine / J.B.Lippincott.
64. Clinical orthopaedics and related research. J.B.lippincott company.
65. Clinical pediatrics / J.B.lippincptt cpmpany.
66. canadian medical association journal.
67. Concer research / American Association for Cancer Research.
68. Cancer research / Cancer Research.
69. Clinical and experimental rheumatology. Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche.
70. Cancer nursing / Masson Publishing Inc.
71. Carcinogenesis / Information Retrieval publication.
72. Clinics in rheumatic dixeases / W.B.Saunders Company.
73. Cellular immunology. Academic Press.
74. clinical therapeutics / excerpta medica,inc.
75. Cumulative index to nurisng &allied health literature /
76. Consultant / cliggo publishing co.
77. Clemens von pirquet his life and work / the johns hopkins.