以"J"开头查询到 66 条西文期刊记录。
刊名 ISSN 出版社 出版年
1. Journal of Endodontics /
2. Journal of clinical investigation / The American Society for Clinical investigation.
3. Journal of counseling psychology / american psychological association.
4. Journal of American medical association / the auspices of the board of Trustees.
5. journal of clinical microbiology / American society for microbiology.
6. Journal of virology / Ex Officio.
7. Journal of bacteriology / Baltimore.
8. Journal of medical education / the association of American medical colleges.
9. Journal of new remedies & clinics / 日本新药与临床出版社.
10. Japanese journal of clinical ophthalmology / Igaku shoin Ltd.
11. Japanese journal of latest medicine / 最新医学社.
12. Journal of cellular physiology / A Wistar institute press.
13. Journal of clinical periodontology / Munksgaard,Copenhagen.
14. Journal of pharmacy & pharmacology / Alden press limited.
15. Japanese journal of parasitology /
16. Journal of behavior therapy and experimental psychiatry. Book Reviews.
17. Journal of pharmaceutical sciences / the american pharmaceutical association.
18. Jouranl of the american geriatrics society / W.B.saunders company ,west washington square,philadelphia.
19. Japan3ese journal of parasitology / 国立预防卫生研究所寄生虫部.
20. Journal of neurosurgery / williams and wilkins company.
21. JAMA:Journal of the American Medical Association.
22. Journal of chinese linguistigs / Project on linguistiic Analysis.
23. Journal of economic studies /
24. Journal of clinical pathology / B.M.A. house.
25. Journal of parenteral and enteral nutrition / mead johnson and company.
26. Journal of the american college of cardiology / Wyeth Ayerst.
27. Japanese journal of cancer clinics / 筱原出版株氏会社.
28. Journal clinical gastroenterology / masson publishing USA,INC.
29. Journal of the national cancer institute / oxford university press.
30. Journal of mendal science / headley brothers LTD.
31. Journal of trauma / Burlington,Vermont.
32. Journal of electrocardiology / Research in Electrocardilolgy.
33. Journal of microbiological methods / Elsevier science pubishers BV.
34. journal of clinical psychiatry /
35. journal of child psychiatry. yale university press.
36. Journal of pediatrics / the G.V.mosby company.
37. Journal of bone and mineral research / supported by a grant form norwich eaton pharmaceuticals,inc.
38. Journal of occupational medicine / American academyt of occupational medicine.
39. Journal of the American Chemical Society / the American Chemical Society.
40. journal of riological chemistry / The American Society of Biological Chemists.
41. journal of nephrology nursing / Curley Printing Company.
42. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology / Blackwell Publishing.
43. Journal of electronics (China) / the Science Press,Beijing,China.
44. Journal of Linguistics / Cambridge University Press.
45. Journal of Computer Science & Technology / Springer & Science Press.
46. Journal of neurosurgery neurosurgery and psychiatry / british medical association.
47. Journal of chronic diseases / Pergamon press.
48. Journal of the royal society of medicine / The royal society of medicine.
49. journal of neuroscience research / alan r.liss,inc.
50. journal of studies on alcohol / by the u.s.covernment.
51. journal of applied physiology /
52. journal of allergy / the c.v.mosby company.
53. journal of the american dietetic association / the american dietetic association.
54. Journal of prosthetic dentistry / The C. V. Mosby company.
55. journal of nervous and mental disease / williams and wilkins co.
56. Journal of oral surgery / the American dental association.
57. Journal of laryngology and otology / Headley brothers ltd.
58. JNE(Journal of nursing education) / Directly to the publisher.
59. journal of nutrition education.
60. Journal of infectious diseases / The university of chicago.
61. Journal of cellular biochemistry. Alan R.Liss.
62. Journal of immunology / The Williams & Wilkins Compant.
63. Journal of medicinal chemistry / Membership & Subseription Services.
64. Journal of genetics and genomics /
65. JSE(journal of systematics and evolution).
66. Journal of economic studies /